Real people experience real harm and a reduced quality of life due to involuntary exposure to wood smoke pollution.

If you are affected by someone else’s wood burning, you are not alone.

What’s your wood smoke story?

Neighbors of wood burners have shared the following stories with us. Use the form below to share your own wood smoke story.

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1 Stories total.

House full of smoke

It was our first home—a brand new house we’d worked hard for, full of smoke every day.

Severely degraded air quality in a smoke control area

The smoke comes into my house even with the windows and doors closed.

Asthma with wood stoves

…The heavy dense smell of wood smoke pervades everything. I used to love this smell but now I struggle to breathe…

Asthma and allergies with oppressive smoke

I have asthma and allergies… the smoke lingers around my house encasing it.

The smoke is everywhere

The neighbor’s smoke is everywhere…I can smell the smoke as I’m writing this…

Wood smoke led to child’s medical emergency

…my then 12-year old daughter who is asthmatic couldn’t breathe and her inhaler made no difference…

Chimney below bedroom window

These wood burning stoves… are not just a nuisance but a danger…

The smoke stays trapped in winter

…my right to breathe fresh air is trumped by those who want to burn anything they can…

Canadians need a right to clean air

…The worst period of exposure was as a school crossing guard for 7 years…

Share your story

Is your neighbor’s wood burning affecting you? We want to hear about it!  

Sharing your wood smoke story helps to increase awareness of the problem.

We ask for your name and email address so we can contact you about your story. We’ll only publish your name if you tell us to. Email addresses are never published.

If you’d like to include a photo or video, tell us in the text of your message. We will contact you with information on how you can send it to us.
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