Research and more

Wood smoke
pollution references

A cropped view of hands typing on a laptop.A cropped view of hands typing on a laptop.
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This bibliography of research studies, articles and other reference sources is organized by content order on our website. It is a growing resource that we add to regularly.

Particle pollution

Wood smoke is particle pollution

Wood smoke is toxic pollution

Wood smoke health effects

Children and wood smoke

The real cost of wood burning

Residential wood burning

Wood-burning restaurants

Secondhand smoke issues

Environment, biomass and climate

Citizen science air monitoring

Organizations, blogs, misc.

Wood smoke websites in other languages

Familles pour l'air pur is a Quebec, Canada-based advocacy group. (French/English)
Luft Köln “raises awareness about the harmful effects on people and the environment caused by the use of wood-burning stoves and pellet heating systems in Cologne.” (German)
Stichting HoutrookVrij (Wood Smoke-Free Foundation) is a group in the Netherlands working to raise awareness. (Dutch)
Stop met stoken is based in Flanders, Belgium. (Dutch)