Wood Smoke Stories

Suffering in a smoke control area

We live in Stoke on Trent which is a smoke control area. The very large house behind me often has four wood-burning stoves going at any one time, all day every day.

The pollution levels are unbearable. I can no longer enjoy simple pleasures like pegging out the washing or tending to my garden. The smoke is thick and acrid and makes me cough and choke to the point I can no longer go out into the garden. I have to wear a mask just to put the bin out because the smoke is so thick.

I’ve been in touch with the council who say they’ve been out and checked her wood burners, and as they are Defra approved and meet the criteria for air pollution it seems nothing can be done. How can this be? The pollution is alarming and is destroying my quality of life to the point I cannot open my windows or peg washing out. They dismiss me as nothing but a nuisance.

Seriously, this is such a widespread issue and a ticking time bomb regarding people’s mental health, but it seems nothing can be done. It’s sheer madness!!!!
