Wood smoke is pollution

Wood burning is a major source of harmful air pollution in many communities, yet there is a critical lack of awareness about this serious public health and environmental issue.

Photo: Taihape, New Zealand © Rob Suisted/www.naturespic.com
A view overlooking a semi-rural-appearing residential neighborhood. The houses are fairly close together, on a hill, with trees between them. Several of the homes have plumes of smoke coming from their chimneys. Smoke is especially noticeable coming from three houses in the foreground, with large plumes drifting over surrounding houses. A view overlooking a populated, but semi-rural-appearing residential neighborhood. The houses are fairly close together, on a hill, with trees between them. Several of the homes have plumes of smoke coming from their chimneys. Smoke is especially noticeable coming from three houses in the foreground, with large plumes drifting over surrounding houses.
A young boy in pajamas plays on the floor with colorful blocks next to a lit wood stove. Ash is visible on the floor next to the child.
Air Pollution

How wood burning harms our health

Hundreds of studies have linked the fine particles and toxins found in wood smoke with a wide range of serious health outcomes, including premature deaths.

Wood smoke and health
Localized Harm

Neighbors suffer

Is wood smoke affecting you? You are not alone! Read others’ stories and share your own.

Read and share stories
His wood stove burns day and night and a heavy cloud of smoke surrounds my home… My asthma has become worse and my inhalers are not helping…
We spent thousands of dollars on renovations, weatherproofing and high-end HEPA air filters in every room to no avail…
I have a neighbor who continually has campfires 30 feet from my house… My wife has been hospitalized due to smoke inhalation…
We had to move from our house that we loved. It filled with smoke from a neighbour’s wood burner…
A large open quotation mark.
Smoke billows from a house’s chimney.